You will experience a deepening of the I AM, Re-energizing Self and anyone around you, Removing negatives stress, Negative thoughts, having a clearing for clarity, Have fan, To experience connecting to your pulse and heartbeat and of the universe. As you create the rhythm of the life that radiantly flows through the universe, you will permeate absolute perfect health, wellness and healing, for wholeness. Re-awakening you to GOD, YOURSELF, and OTHERS.
Stress Reduction
Exercise for Mind, Body and Spirit
Social Interaction and Community Building
Multi - Generational Family Activity
Develope Key Musical skills, such as Rhythmicity, Improvisation and Ensemble Playing
No prior Musical Experience Needed
All Ages Welcome
All Levels Welcome
Private and group lessons on specializing in living rhythms for promoting a Spiritual, Mental, and Physical balance for living life. All ages welcome!
While group drumming has certainly survived the test of time, the scientific community is just beginning to develop a rudimentary understanding of the biological, psychological and sociological benefits of this multifaceted Recreational Music-making activity.A landmark controlled scientific investigation Bittman and colleagues, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, January 2001) demonstrated statistically significant positive cell-mediated immune system changes that correlated with one-hour group drumming sessions using the HealthRHYTHMS® group empowerment drumming protocol.This unique approach has been successfully utilized as a well-accepted, cost-effective strategy in a host of clinical outcome-based programs for individuals facing the challenges of heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease and asthma. New research using the HealthRHYTHMS® group empowerment drumming protocol enhanced with the Yamaha Clavinova® demonstrated statistically significant reductions in burn-out and improvements in mood states for long-term care workers (Bittman and colleagues, Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, Fall/Winter, 2003). Projected cost-savings (by an independent healthcare economic impact firm) to the long-term care industry were actually exceeded by real-world findings.
IDRIS DRUMMUNICATIONS, Healing Through Drums and Percussion gives a hands-on training program which has been carefully designed to offer you an unforgettable, interactive, life-changing opportunity for discovering and sharing the incredible rhythms that are yours alone. During our enjoyable intensive interdisciplinary workshop, we will explore key evidence-based elements, potential benefits and widespread applications for incorporating this multifaceted approach in your work. As we practice the basic structured elements of this protocol, our learning by doing approach will progressively reveal countless operational insights and clinical pearls critical to the future success of your program. Supported by a comprehensive, easy-to-follow training hand outs with manuals. Musical experience is not required, you will quickly learn how to successfully introduce, integrate and transform through IDRIS DRUMMUNICATION Group Empowerment Drumming Sessions in a variety of health and wellness settings.
Group drumming is not about inspiring successful drumming – it’s about inspiring successful living. Group drumming is not about exceptional performance – it’s about exceptional support and personal expression. Group drumming is not about teaching people to play – it’s about giving people permission to play. Group drumming’s best facilitators are not only talented musicians – they are caring, compassionate and intuitive guides. Group drumming is not about acquiring technique – it’s about sharing for the sake of personal EMPOWERMENT.
Regardless of prior musical experience, if you’re searching for meaning and purpose in your life through creative musical expression, this innovative IDRIS Transformational Experience is for you. While past participants include doctors, nurses, music therapists, psychologists, social workers, activities directors, drug & alcohol counselors and family therapists, we welcome non-health professionals who are willing to work collaboratively as team players with healthcare professionals. If you’re in the health and wellness fields, and wish to help people move beyond their perceived boundaries, this program is likely to be just what the doctor ordered!
Wellness and Healing Drum Circle (Group) 2hours sessions (Cost varies, based on factors) Small Business, Corporate, Institutions
Drummunication: A Transformational Experience Drum Circles
8 week Class $299.99
Includes: Drummunication: A Transformational Experience Textbook
(GDH) Guided Drummeditation Healing
DATE 15 Minutes Phone Session
DATE Certificate
DATE Wellness and Healing (Individual) Drum Session 1 Hour 30 Minutes
On-site $150.00 Per Hour
Off-site $300.00 Per Hour (Cost varies, based on factors)
Browse Our Website
Phone: (310) 980-2770
Phone: 2136634226
| Drummunication: A Transformational Experience